Taber Rotary Platform Abraser (Abrader)
The Rotary Platform Abrasion Tester (commonly referred to as the Taber Abraser or Taber Abrader) was introduced in the 1930's and has been a popular instrument for evaluating abrasion and wear resistance. Easy to operate, the Taber Abraser (Abrader) is referenced in numerous internationally recognized test standards and covers a wide spectrum of materials (including plastics, coatings, laminates, leather, paper, ceramics, carpeting, safety glazing, etc.).
Taber tests involve mounting a specimen (typically less than 12.5 mm thickness) to a turntable platform that rotates at a fixed speed. Two GENUINE TABER abrasive wheels, which are applied at a specific pressure, are lowered onto the specimen surface. As the turntable rotates, the wheels are driven by the sample in opposite directions about a horizontal axis displaced tangentially from the axis of the sample. One abrading wheel rubs the specimen outward toward the periphery and the other, inward toward the center while a vacuum system removes loose debris during testing.
A characteristic rub-wear action (sliding rotation) is produced on the surface of the test piece and the resulting abrasion marks form a pattern of crossed arcs in a circular band that cover an area of 30 cm2. An important feature of this instrument is the wheels traverse a complete circle on the specimen surface, revealing abrasion resistance at all angles relative to the weave or grain of the material.
Each turntable has dual abrading arms that are precision balanced and operate independently so they can be raised (or lowered) to mount or inspect specimens. Each arm is loaded for 250 grams pressure against the specimen, exclusive of the weight of the wheel. To increase the load to 500 or 1000 grams, a mount for auxiliary weights is located on the outside of the abrading wheel bearing assembly. This location ensures that weights are concentric with the abrading wheel. A stud on the rear end of the abrading arm is used to carry an optional counterweight (used to reduce the wheel load by 125 or 175 grams).
Taber Industries offers a selection of GENUINE TABER abrading wheels and specimen holders to accommodate both flexible and rigid specimens. Most existing wear test procedures for the Taber Abraser (Abrader) reference the standard E100-125 specimen holder and CS-10 Calibrase® or H-18 Calibrade® wheels. The wheels are comprised of silicon carbide or aluminum oxide abrasive particles embedded in a resilient or vitrified (clay) binder, and designed so that the binder material breaks down during use – thus exposing and creating a new abrading surface. ~ For results you can trust, always use Genuine Taber abrading wheels. ~
The Rotary Platform Abrasion Tester also has the ability to perform adhesion or 'scrape' tests using a Scuffing Head Attachment in place of the abrading wheels. Mounted to the left hand abraser arm mount, one of three unique profile scuff heads are attached to the Taber Abraser such that it is held at a 100° angle. The vertical centerline of the scuff head is 32 mm from the specimen holder center pin, and the tip is centered under a weight (0.45kg or 0.9kg) in a horizontal alignment with the center pin. The scuffing head is dragged across the specimen as the table rotates to determine the resistance to scuffing of the test specimen. Used primarily in the automotive industry, test method SAE J365 is used to determine the resistance to scuffing of trim materials.
A requirement of the Taber Abraser is that the specimen must be flat and approximately 100mm square or round. For products that are normally not flat, test coupons must be made to represent the part.
Taber Industries offers a large selection of test accessories for the Taber Abraser (Abrader). To learn more visit For a partial listing of test methods that reference this instrument, go to
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